Wednesday 7 August 2024

Sanctuary / Ilona Andrews


4 out of 5 stars 

Book 16 of the 2024 Read Your Hoard Challenge

So, yesterday I got an email from my favourite bookstore. Your order is ready. It was 3:30 pm. I checked their hours. They are open until 5:30. It is rush hour, but I should be able to do this thing. I hop in the car and head into the rat race. I've been retired for a while and this feels weird now. I pick up my books and battle traffic on my way home. I do the necessary tasks for the evening, then settle in with Roman.

I had read a lot of this story on the Andrews' blog. I still enjoyed it very much this time around. I loved Roman's menagerie of odd critters. I enjoyed the Andrews’ version of Slavic mythology. It was great to learn about Roman's personal history. The witches and volhvs entertained me during the Kate Daniels books, so this was like a favourite treat. I remember smiling when Roman flirted with Andrea as well as when he tangled with Kate. Kate holding his staff hostage. The family fight at the big conclave (the one to deal with the magic-eliminating device).

I always suspected that Chernobog was (as Roman explains to Finn) a dark god, not an evil god. There is no life without death. That's not evil, it's just a fact. I know certain folks of the Book Devouring Horde have a thing for Roman. (I'm more of a Luther fan, myself.) But I love and adore the Kate Daniels world and I am so glad to have added this novella to my collection. I reread it this morning. I am an inveterate rereader, so I have absolutely no doubt that I will read it many times in the future. Thank you, Ilona and Gordon, for adding to a beloved series.

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