Sunday 11 August 2024

Betrayer / C.J. Cherryh


4 out of 5 stars 

Book number 528 of my Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Project

I did not mean to read this book in just one day. It was simply the book in the pile that called loudest to me this morning. Sometimes you just have to follow your mood.

Cherryh's novels rarely disappoint me. This one was just as engrossing as usual. I have a fondness for Bren Cameron, the paidhi and expert negotiator. And young Cajieri, son of the aetevi ruler Tabini, has grown on me over the last few books. Bren is still hurt from the adventures of the previous book, when the dowager Ilisidi sends him into perilous circumstances to beard a young Muradi leader in his palace. Machigi has had no contact with humans and is surrounded by enemies of various kinds. Ilisidi has taken advantage of this instability to offer him an honourable way out and sends Bren to accomplish her goal.

Cajieri is so young (eight going on nine) to be involved in political machinations, but he has been rising to the occasion. His instincts may have been thrown off by the time which he spent in space with Bren and Ilisidi, dealing with more humans than aetevi. This is the book where he feels his aetevi heritage clearly and recognizes it for the first time. His time with Ilisidi has been well spent—he is learning how to think, how to remain silent when it's advantageous, and how to control his emotions. That last is something we all strive for!

Bren has become a highly sought after person. His allies wish his help and advice; his enemies wish him as a hostage. As often happens on the aetevi home world, events quickly spiral out of control. Once again, Bren finds himself on the run with his body guards and a stray youngster. He's like that old Timex watch commercial—he takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

I spent several confused seconds at the end of this e-book trying unsuccessfully to turn the page! It turned out that the book was done although I wasn't. I think this means that I will be seeking out the 13th volume asap. It's like wanting the next episode of a tv show—I want to know what happens next!

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