Friday 9 August 2024

Hawk / Steven Brust


3 out of 5 stars 

Book number 527 of my Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Project

I need to be in a particular state of mind to enjoy Vlad Taltos. I was when I started this book, then I had to set it aside for a little, and when I had time to resume reading, the moment had passed. I was no longer in the mood for Lord Taltos' smartassery or his intricately planned deceits. Finishing the novel was a relief—I really didn't want to renew my library copy yet again.

Vlad is back in the capitol, the city where his son and ex-wife live. The Jhereg are still hunting him and he is wearing an amulet that prevents them from easily finding him. Impatient Jhereg are starting to use spontaneous attacks to try to please their bosses and Vlad is tired of it. When there are lurkers on his ex-wife's doorstep, they have stepped on his last nerve. He devises one of his usual elaborate plans to get them off his back: he will give them a way to eavesdrop on psychic communication in exchange for his freedom. It's a good thing Vlad has friends who will help him.

For once, things don't go entirely Vlad's way. I suspect that Brust is tired of the whole “avoiding assassination attempts" plotline and has planned a way to change the channel. Too many readers love Vlad Taltos to just abandon him, so steering the series in a new direction is imperative. This volume makes a start at altering the vessel's course, but I expect it will take at least one more installment to get the ship on its new bearing. I will explore that after a good, long break from the series to regain my appreciation for Brust's talents.

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