Friday 23 August 2024

Big Witch Energy / Molly Harper


3.25 out of 5 stars 

Book 18 of the 2024 Read Your Hoard Challenge

My first purchase from our local romance bookstore, Slow Burn Books. I was excited to read this second-chance romance, featuring Caroline Wilton, one third of the Starfall witches coven. Her old flame, Ben Hoult, has returned to Starfall to be one of the town's doctors. He leaves behind the mainland and his ex-wife. He brings his two teenage kids and his unrequited love for Caroline.

The question becomes whether Caroline can deal with her depressed father, her bitter, overworked mother, and her two useless brothers. She and her mother are struggling to keep their bar, the Wilted Rose, going. She and Ben must navigate their past history, their family dynamics, and the current situation to see if they can rekindle their relationship.

Of course there are ghosts, magic, and mysteries to be solved. Riley, Caroline and Alice have witch business to keep them scrambling, especially when Ben's kids show some aptitude for magic. Ben, being a man trained in science, flounders a bit. It becomes obvious that the Wellings family is still lurking, trying to break into the Shadow Manor to steal the magical devices hidden in it.

Harper wraps up the Caroline and Ben question, while setting up the third book, which will obviously be devoted to Alice. Her controlling and judgmental grandparents have heard that she is actually getting a life and are on their way back to Starfall to put an end to that. Alice most definitely needs a knight in shining armor and I want to see who Harper produces for her. These books are pleasant to read, but IMO lack the charm of her Jane Jameson series; however, I still need to read the next installment.

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