Sunday 25 August 2024

All Those Explosions Were Someone Else's Fault / James Alan Gardner


4+ out of 5 stars 

2024 Re-read

Sometimes you've just got to read what's calling your name. I just had to return to the Dark/Spark world. Yes, it's campy and a bit silly, but in such a good way! Having grown up reading superhero comics, this hits the spot for me. Especially since Gardner has updated the idea, having four young women as the centre of attention.

I loved his balance of superhero Sparks, who are created by accident, vs, Darklings, who have paid for the privilege. As Zircon/Kim learns, ordinary people obtain super powers and most often step up to use those powers for good. Of course we all expect Evil Geniuses but in this world we also get Mad Inventors, supplying the Cape Tech with which to battle evil.

I appreciated that the setting was Canadian and that Ninety-Nine became a super hockey player. Gardner used so many Canadian clichés, which made me smile. My only disappointment is that only two books of the series were published. Seriously, Tor, what's up with that? But two books starring Kim and Jools will have to be enough (at least until Gardner chooses the self-publishing route).

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