Wednesday 14 July 2021

Angel of the Overpass / Seanan McGuire


Angel of the Overpass (Ghost Roads, #3)Angel of the Overpass by Seanan McGuire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My reading life is currently ruled by library due dates and I have been hoarding this book, the last of three that are all due on the same day. I love so many of Seanan McGuire’s novels and this one is no exception. The first book (Sparrow Hill Road) was a collection of short stories but the following volumes have been proper novels and up to McGuire's usual standards.

The Ghost Roads series takes those legends and urban myths about spectral phenomena and hangs it on a system of McGuire‘s own devising. She provides a field guide, the rules of their existence, and knowledge of the higher goddesses that make sure that everyone abides by their obligations. Our main character Rose is a hitcher, a hitchhiker ghost, who must interact with the living and gets to enjoy a bit of physicality if they lend her a jacket. Her pleasures are simple: a good cheeseburger, hot crisp fries, and a malted milk shake. Pie and coffee. A chance to rest and be warm.

Rose's life is more complex than most hitchers, for she is pursued in death by the man who killed her, Bobby Cross. He ran her down with his supernatural car and has been chasing her ghost self ever since. Rose has learned to discern the smell of his arrival and to identify other potential victims and she has taken it upon herself to help those that she can.

This series is enmeshed with McGuire’s InCryptid series, so some of the details here are closely related to events in That Ain’t Witchcraft. Antimony Price has done the world a favour by killing the ghostly dealmaker known as The Crossroads. Now Rose gets to have a showdown with her killer without his sponsorship by the Crossroads. But Rose is just a little hitchhiker ghost, right?

Thank you, Ms. Mcguire, for another hit of one of my chosen addictions.

View all my reviews

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