Sunday 30 June 2024

Board Stiff / Annelise Ryan


3.6 out of 5 stars 

After the debacle of the last book, I am pleased that things seem to be going in the directions that I like better. Mattie has challenges to deal with and they are heavy, life changing issues, but they are fair. The things that everyone deals with—family problems, communication faux pas, not being able to say no, the past impinging on the present.

After four books of uncertainty, it seems that Steve Hurley really cares about Mattie, but his ex-wife and the daughter he never knew about show up at a critical juncture. Mattie has been thinking about returning to work at the hospital to enable an above board relationship but circumstances intervene. It's messy and they are a bit reckless. You know, honesty is difficult. We want what we want and we aren't too good to lie a bit to ourselves and others in order to get it.

This series is addictive for me. I've got an enormous stack of library books, not to mention the unread novels in my personal collection, but all I want to do is grab the next book.

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