Wednesday 12 June 2024

Scared Stiff / Annelise Ryan


4 out of 5 stars 

Fun! This series tends more towards slapstick than I usually find desirable, but I like it anyway. I like Mattie Winston despite her impulsive decisions and her tendency to ruin and lose clothing in the course of doing her job. She ends up shirtless fairly frequently to the delight of the policemen, EMTs, and other first responders around her. Since she is the deputy coroner in her small town, this tends to get her noticed.

Mattie has a serious crush on Detective Steve Hurley, but you know the reputation of cops—taciturn and cynical. It's hard for Mattie to know whether he's interested or just an onlooker to her gaffes. Her soon-to-be ex-husband is trying to pitch reconciliation, but Mattie's pretty sure that she'll never be able to trust him again. Hurley is too tempting.

There are murders to be solved, a “new" car to be obtained, a couple of rescue critters to care for, not to mention mastering the new job. Just life for this newly single, rather klutzy deputy coroner. I have the third book cued up and ready to go.

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