Saturday 29 June 2024

Lucky Stiff / Annelise Ryan


2.5 out of 5 stars 

Although I am enjoying this series, I really struggled with this installment. Mattie is an intelligent woman. She is an experienced and knowledgeable nurse and she has an instinctive grasp of how to investigate a crime. Plus she is obviously attractive, as she seems to garner the male attention she craves wherever she goes.

And there's the rub for me. Why is this attractive, intelligent woman acting like such an idiot? Her foolish gambling in this book really offended me. And, yes, I realize that otherwise competent people get short circuited by the lure of the casino, but Mattie should have been able to learn from her first painful loss. I really hated Ms. Ryan for this plot point. Especially when she then upended a whole bunch of shit on our main character following this financial disaster.

Things can only get better in the next book, right? OMG, I just can't take another debacle like this one!

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