Wednesday 26 June 2024

Do Your Worst / Rosie Danan


3.5 out of 5 stars 

I am generally not a romance reader, so I'm not sure how this book ended up on my TBR. I wasn't sure that I would finish it when I picked it up. To my surprise I read it in record time. 

I require more complexity than just a romance plot line and the curse on a Scottish castle combined with Riley's attempt to break the curse provided the extra interest that cinched the deal for me. Riley comes from a family line of curse-breakers and needs a significant project to establish her bona fides and kick start her business. Clark, on the other hand, comes from a family of archeologists and has a firm belief in the scientific method. After a disastrous expedition, he is desperate to rehabilitate his reputation and putting up with a woman who believes in curses is unacceptable, even if she is distractingly attractive.

Having said that romance isn't really my thing, I have been lured to the dark side often enough to know that my favourite romantic trope is enemies to lovers. When I realized that Riley and Clark were set up by the author to clash, I knew I was going to enjoy the novel. Both parties have personal issues to overcome with help from the other. But Danan doesn't allow that to happen too quickly. They must struggle with the question of whether they hate each other or are wildly attracted to one another.

So, still unsure how this ended up in my reading queue, but quite glad that it did and that my library purchased it.

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