Wednesday 3 January 2024

The Chalk Pit / Elly Griffiths


4 out of 5 stars

A wonderful way to begin a New Year, reading an installment of one of my favourite series. I always enjoy Ruth Galloway's adventures. There's a lot of stuff going on here, many new convolutions for the characters to deal with. The mystery portion is a bit eccentric. Griffiths states in her acknowledgements that there really are chalk tunnels under Norwich, but no underground people. Nevertheless, it gave Ruth a new investigation to participate in.

Harry's wife may know that Kate is his child, but he's having difficulty telling his two older daughters. This despite the likelihood that the older girls would make a pet of Kate. But admitting that he's been unfaithful to their mother holds him back. I guess when you're a police officer, it's difficult to admit that you've broken trust.

Truly, it's the personal issues of the fairly large cast of characters that keeps me reading along happily. The archeology and police work are both engaging, but I want to know who gets married, how are the kids growing up, how are the careers progressing, all that kind of thing.

One book closer to the end of the series. I will be very sad when I reach the end of the line, but I have other Griffiths books to explore. However, I won't hurry my way to the conclusion. I'll enjoy the ride while it lasts.

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