Wednesday 15 May 2024

The Salt Grows Heavy / Cassandra Khaw


3.75 out of 5 stars 

It's official: creepy mermaids are far superior to Disney mermaids. I won't pretend to completely understand this little novella, but I certainly appreciated how it turned Andersen's Little Mermaid upside down. This sea maiden has been captured and her tongue cut out.

Why have sharp teeth if you're not going to use them? This mermaid is carnivorous and cruel. Her “Prince" doesn't know what hit him—and he brought it on himself by hunting her down. She is the embodiment of female rage.

I learned a couple of new words and was reminded of several more. It's fun to stretch your vocabulary. I'm not sure that I would read more of Khaw's work, but this was a nice entry as my 2024 MerMay selection.

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