Friday 24 May 2024

Forlorn River / Zane Grey


3.5 out of 5 stars 

Book 11 of the 2024 Read Your Hoard Challenge

I picked this up second hand, remembering how much I enjoyed Grey's Nevada as a teen. That book I haven't been able to find, but lucky me, I can borrow the audiobook through the library! In about two weeks time I will revisit an old favourite.

In the meantime, in Forlorn River, we meet Ben Ide. Estranged from his father, Ben has purchased a homestead in the wilderness and spends his time catching and training wild horses. He especially covets a spectacular stallion known as California Red. Rumour around town says that Ben is rustling cattle too and there are always folk ready to believe the worst of others.

But the horse is not the only thing Ben longs for. When he hears that Ina Blaine is home from college and is visiting his sister and mother, Ben is convinced to come back to visit when his father's away. Ina doesn't give the rumour mill any credence and tells him so plainly. She hints pretty strongly that she's his girl, but of course there must be some suffering before they seal the deal.

Also introduced is Ben's friend, Nevada, who we are given to suspect is a bad hombre. We don't learn his true name (that's for the next book) but he has big ideas for the two men to earn cash, buy more land, and get set up for business when the drought breaks. He steadies the more emotional Ben, gets him steered towards financial stability and Ina, while managing to gain the regard of Ben's sister.

It's a typical Grey novel, complete with rather honourable outlaws, dishonorable businessmen, plenty of horseback riding, camping, cowboys, and a strong love story. It definitely shows its age, especially in Ben's Indian companion, Modoc. But you can feel Grey's love of the wilderness and horses on every page.

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