Sunday 12 May 2024

Exiles / Jane Harper


Mystery Book Club 2024

3.5 stars?

I much preferred this, book three of the Aaron Falk series, to the first one The Dry. I found that one blatantly obvious—this one at least kept me guessing until very late in the book. It's a slow paced mystery, involving as it does two cold cases. Those kind of investigations are all about amassing and analyzing data. In this, Falk may be the perfect investigator, being used to dealing with financial crime, which must have a similar method.

I think what also helped my enjoyment was the personal relationships that centered the novel, plus Falk's reassessment of the state of his life. His realization that he hadn't had a free weekend in over a year and that life was passing him by. Many people have these epiphanies, but few take action on them, so I truly admired his change of focus.

I read the first volume because my former book club had chosen it and this one as a current book club choice. I feel absolutely no urge to find volume two or to complete the series. I just count myself lucky that I found this one more agreeable than the first. I will look forward to our discussion next week.

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