Sunday 22 January 2023

Sweep of the Heart / Ilona Andrews


4 enthusiastic stars out of 5!

Love, love, love the ending!

I really enjoyed this book! I mean, I love Ilona Andrews just as a general principle, but Gordon and Ilona outdid themselves here. First, there is a wonderful circling back from the conclusion of the story to the beginning (supplying the Inn with loads of wood as it prepares to open a new door to a new planet). A very satisfying call back.

Secondly, this was the Greatest Hits album of the Inn Keeper series. Caldenia gets her moment to shine (and glower, threaten, plot, etc.) Orro gets to show his mad Red Cleaver skills. Tony and Marais get to flex a little bit and there was giggling when the identity of Hector Marais' wife is revealed. Lady Karat and Under-Khan Dagorkun are always entertaining, with their predilections for sword play and scheming. The return of First Scholar Thek was noteworthy and his role as debate moderator was perfect. The kidnapping of Wilmos gets the ball rolling, and his Auul wolf, Gorvar, gets to stay with Sean at Gertrude Hunt as he waits for his master's return. And what would an Inn Keeper book do without the lees? Cookie, looking all grown up and plotting with the best of them, is still adorably fluffy. Similarly, we get a cameo of George Camarine and an update on his life provided by Gaston, who becomes the enthusiastic Master of Ceremonies for this intergalactic version of The Bachelor. Even Olasard, the cat, gets a moment.

Third, we get a whole cornucopia of new species. The Andrews always have imaginative aliens and they didn't stint on the novelties here. There are the Oomboles, sentient fish. The Donkamins, highly intelligent but also highly disconcerting and distressing to other humanoids. The Higgra, who seem to be civilized snow leopards. The Dushegubs, sentient, murderous trees. All these species and more, gathered together for a spousal selection ceremony for the Sovereign of the Dominion, Caldenia's nephew, Kosandion. He must choose a spouse from the 12 “contestants" provided, all the while dealing with various plots and running an interplanetary empire.

In short, this was worth the wait. Just when I was starting to wonder if it was lost in the mail, my mailman appeared at my door with the package. I'd read the weekly installments on the Andrews' website, but those did not include the dramatic conclusion! Even the parts that I was familiar with had been edited for clarity, making the whole novel better. I sense we are getting much closer to the end of the story arc, which is both good and bad. Good, in that we may finally find out what has happened to Gerrard and Helen Demille and see a reunion of Dina with Klaus and Maud. Bad, in that I really don't want the Inn Keeper series to end! I enjoy my visits to the Inn so much. Thank you, Iona and Gordon, for hours of reading pleasure.

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