Thursday 6 October 2022

Pretender / C.J. Cherryh


4 out of 5 stars

Halloween Bingo 2022

This novel picks up right where the last one left off and the reader is plunged into the action immediately. Once again, Bren Cameron is in the company of the Dowager and Cajieri, the heir, newly returned from space and running from hostile forces. They have sought refuge with Lord Tatiseigi, who isn't quite sure how he feels about their presence, at least until some of his neighbours attack his stately home to harm his guests. Incensed, he helps with a plan to get the Dowager, Tabini, Damiri, and Cajieri back to the capital, where Tabini should be able to deal with the pretender to the throne.

Usually, Bren finds himself mounted on a massive mecheita, hoping to goodness he doesn't fall off, riding out of a bad situation. This time, he is on a massive bus, driving cross country from Tatiseigi's estate to the capitol, with Tabini's heir under his care. Being human, he has become emotionally attached to his security staff, who are ruthlessly clearing the way for those they are bound to protect. This is when Bren has the revelation that the Assassins' Guild is more complex than he realized and he is unnerved by his own lack of understanding.

A lot of ammunition is fired, many things explode, and snipers are a constant worry. Cajieri is determined to be in the middle of things and is desperate to get to fire a gun. In some ways, he is a typical eight year old, but Bren seems to be able to get him to simmer down and to think strategically about their circumstances. Cajieri has made it clear that Bren is an important person in his circle and Bren worries that conservative atevi will disapprove of his human influence on the young gentleman.

This book was perfect for the Lost in Space Bingo square, as the humans in this series are completely cut off from humanity and are learning to coexist with the atevi on the atevi home world. I was able to double-dip, as it is also Book number 474 of my Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Project.

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