Friday 5 April 2024

Bride / Ali Hazelwood


4 out of 5 stars 

Free Range Reading

I got a message from my library this afternoon: this e-book is ready for you, please do something about that. After a bit of debate, I signed it out and foolishly thought, “I'll just read a few pages to see if I'll like it.” And, yes, I read the whole thing in one sitting.

All the details were just perfect for me. Vampyres, Were shifters, complex political manoeuvring, including an arranged marriage to cement an alliance between the Vampyres and the Weres. The narrator of this tale and the less-than-willing bride is Misery, the daughter of the Vampyre leader. Just like Medieval times, there will be the exchange of hostages and this arranged marriage. Misery is used to this—she has previously been the hostage to the Humans, where she grew up with a human girl, Serena. Serena, now a journalist, has gone missing and left a note which references the name of the Were leader. This is what cinches Misery's decision—she must know what happened to her only friend and agreeing to the wedding will aid her search.

But of course you know going in that this is going to be a romance. It is in fact perfectly suited to my taste. There are overarching questions about Serena, politics, and other characters that we get to know. More than just the romance in other words. Misery has a snarky sense of humour that I loved. She and her husband Lowe see their relationship shift as they get to know each other, but they each have wrong ideas that they can't seem to get around. Lowe provides the heading to each chapter, giving us a glimpse into his point of view and allowing us to see their misguided ideas. Yum!

So, I enjoyed it a great deal and I'm glad I abandoned my responsibilities to read it. If you like the fake marriage kind of romance plot, I would recommend it.

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