Friday 28 April 2023

Shadow in the Glass / M.E. Hilliard


4 out of 5 stars

Reminder from this novel: don't try to hide information from a reference librarian! I really like Greer Hogan as a main character, with her research skills and sensible approach.

Greer goes to a close friend's wedding in Lake Placid, hoping to revisit the details of her husband's murder. Someone may have seen something to help her reopen the investigation. The event is far enough in the past that she has had time to process and she is increasingly convinced that the wrong person was convicted. However the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray and no sooner has Greer arrived in Lake Placid than weird things start to build up. There are dark undercurrents flowing and Greer can't piece everything together.

Unlike many amateur detectives, Greer doesn't go it alone. She assembles a team, divvies out the research, and writes out a time line. Meanwhile, there are spooky things happening in one of the guest houses—doors closing on their own, footsteps heard in the middle of the night, the piano being played for a few bars. I found this mystifying as I could see no reason to introduce potentially paranormal issues into a straight mystery story.

Needless to say, everything connects to everything else. Some of the strands stretch back into past of the older members of the family. Greer's puzzle solving mind and nosy nature are the perfect combination to expose the hows and whys of the crime.

I went immediately to the library catalogue and placed a hold on book 3, Three Can Keep a Secret. It's still on order, but I am excited for the next Greer Hogan installment.

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