Wednesday 21 September 2022

One Was a Soldier / Julia Spencer-Fleming


4.3 out of 5 stars

Halloween Bingo 2022

This book just about gave me palpitations! Several times I just had to stop reading and focus on other things just to let my heart rate slow and my shoulder tension to loosen. If that isn't a good recommendation for a thriller, I don't know what is.

Spencer-Fleming must have some connection the American Armed Services as she choses to use characters from all branches and she sounds like she knows what she's talking about. If this is research, it's damned good research. Although I know next to nothing about military service, so maybe she's just good at making things sound plausible? Her writing seems too confident for that.

This is the seventh book in the series, so if you haven't read the previous books and get upset over spoilers, this is the spot where you should go do something else. Like maybe start In the Bleak Midwinter. Those of us who have made it this far are thrilled to see Russ and Clare talking about marriage. The money question is whether their relationship will last until they can get to the altar. Clare is just back from combat in the Middle East and has PTSD and a substance problem. Russ is worried that he's too old or that Clare will turn him down for some other reason, that he's pressuring her or overstepping his boundaries. This is also the book where they have their first major fight over one of Russ' cases.

Theirs is not the only story to the book, though. Clare's veterans’ support group provides the nucleus of the action, as the unfortunate psychologist Sarah tries desperately to keep control of its leadership. It becomes obvious that she will have difficulty steering that particular car. Each of the members has a story and must find a reason to deal with their trauma and a way through it. It's unplanned, but their mutual unofficial investigation provides a path to healing for almost all of them.

I love these books. The mysteries are decent, but it’s the personal relationships that keep me coming back for more. Now that Clare and Russ are a married couple, the author will need to find a new source of tension. No more restraining themselves or sneaking around. Some of the interest will be supplied by Hadley and Kevin—can Kevin convince her that he's her guy? Something tells me that JSF may have plans for Deputy-Chief Lyle too. If we can keep track of wounded Will and his friend Olivia, I would be delighted. I'm so glad there are still a couple of volumes in my future.

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