Sunday 9 January 2022

Crossroads of Twilight / Robert Jordan


3.2 stars out of 5

I am ten books into this series and alternate between wondering if I can go on and wondering what happens. It doesn't help that each volume is a doorstop and that starting each one is like a quiz: do I remember this character and their backstory? Okay, how about this one? It comes back, if not completely, then at least sufficiently to understand the next events.

I want to know how things shake out, but Jordan goes so slowly! There are so many characters (with names odd enough that I would hate to be reading for the audio version) and so many storylines. With this many things to juggle, I guess it's not strange that some of the more prominent characters didn't make an appearance, despite the enormous number of pages. Notably, we get very little time with the Forsaken, aka the bad guys. Nor do we spend much time with the men of the Black Tower (men who can wield the One Power). Nynaeve is seen only from a distance in one scene (which, thank goodness, means that I didn't have to endure her frequent yanking on her own hair to try to control her temper).

There is very little action in this installment. It is largely politicking, both personal and societal. Perrin doesn't seem to be much closer to rescuing his wife, Faile. Mat may have found the woman who will reform his gambling ways, but it looks like a most unlikely match. Rand seems to be hanging onto his sanity better than before, but still has many hurdles ahead. Egewene seems to be settling into her role as leader of the Aes Sedai outside the White Tower.

The relations between men and women continue to annoy the hell out of me. It's called the One Power for a reason folks—women and men are supposed to use it co-operatively to accomplish things! And I have to mention the plotting and backstabbing amongst the Aes Sedai. They are supposed to be wise and self controlled women, with years of training, yet most of them seem to be acting like seventh grade drama queens here. It made me want to shake them!

At least events seem to finally be starting to converge. There are still four books to go, but all the various threads really are starting to show a pattern. Truly, the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills…

Book Number 436 of my Science Fiction & Fantasy Reading Project.

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