Tuesday 23 July 2024

Filthy Rich Fae / Geneva Lee


4 out of 5 stars 

Well, if I didn't already know that I'm a visual learner rather than audio, I surely would now. Once again, my library only had this title available in audiobook format. I think the only reason that I remember enough to write a review at all is because this is complete fluff and there's not a helluva lot to have to recall. This romance is also proof (once again) that paranormal trappings make romance novels enjoyable to me.

I had a good time listening to this despite a lot of repetition and the heroine, Cate, being very nearly TSTL. What a centuries old fae would see in her is beyond me, but I still enjoyed the banter and the story arc. But I swear, if she had “lifted her chin" one more time….. Plus, her foster brother, Channing, is even dumber than she is.

Channing starts the whole plot off by being a stereotypical foster care graduate and getting involved in organized crime. Cate is a nurse and is on duty when Channing arrives in hospital while she's on duty. Despite the fact that the crime boss, Lochlan Gage, pretty much owns Gage Memorial Hospital, Cate decides it would be an excellent idea to go to a sketchy area of town to confront him and settle her brother's debt. See what I mean about TSTL? For reasons of his own, Gage releases Channing and takes Cate's soul instead. The relationship starts adversarial, which is my favourite trope, so I was willing to put up with the stupidity.

Warning to cliffhanger haters: there's a dilly! If my library won't order the next book, I'm going to be forced to spend my own cash (and they've rejected my request to purchase the second book of the Filthy Rich Vampire series, so……). Being weird in my own way, when I realized how much I want to read the next book, that added a fourth star to my rating. Perhaps I'm just as contrary as Cate.

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