Saturday 6 August 2022

True Dead / Faith Hunter


4 out of 5 stars

Jane, Jane, Jane. You aren't alone anymore. It is a difficult transition for our Dark Queen. It takes a brush with death to make her realize that the well being of all New Orleans depends on her continued existence. She must remove herself from the frontlines and let others protect her and her dependents. Like most ultra-independent people, she resists this arrangement until she gets that dose of reality. Plus she is still struggling with transformation between forms, not having much control and not being able to maintain human form for very long.

And it seems that her Beast form has inspired some xenophobic and bigoted reactions in a certain segment of vampire society. They don't know the real Jane. But those that get to know her, like Thema and Kojo, end up pledging themselves to her service. Everyone who knows her realizes her feelings of loyalty to her people, her desire to protect those who are under her care, her lack of ego, and her fairness.

Jane tortures herself a lot with guilt. I was pleased when she stops in at a church and has a little chat with the preacher there, who tells her, “You also did great things for this city. Reined in the feral vampires that once preyed on the homeless. Forced them to do better by their own blood servants. Forbade the creation of new blood slaves. Don't think, Jane Yellowrock, that your contributions have gone unnoticed by the Almighty. They haven't gone unnoticed by us either.” Being responsible is a heavy load. It's not easy being the one in charge, at least if you care about those in your organization. If you don't care, it's no big deal.

There are some startling developments in this installment. Jane acquires an ultra-competent personal secretary/dresser/bodyguard, a character that I quite like. Koun has become her champion and executioner, one of her most devoted scions. She has finally bonded with Ayatas Firewind, her Cherokee brother. Some significant people disappear (Sabina, Derek) and others reappear. By the end, Jane and her circle finally figure out who is pulling the strings of the enemy forces.

The next book comes out in September and I can hardly wait.

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