Friday 26 August 2022

Eclipse of the Moon / Jessie Mihalik


3.7 out of 5 stars

This book came available at the library much sooner than I thought it might. This event was both good and bad. I'm trying to clear the decks before a book bingo game and instead I am unwilling to return this book and get it again later. Nope! It's bad enough that I will have to wait until next year to read the third book in this series. So, I was excited to get my paws on it, but it's messing with my deck-clearing mission.

So my complaint about book one was the rapid pace of the romance in it. But Torran and Tavi took their time compared to Kee and Varro. As the novel opens, Kee is trying to find a way to get some physical distance from Varro, convinced that he finds her annoying rather than attractive. She explains her desire to stay on the space station Bastion to Tavi, giving three motivations: get her emotions regarding Varro under control, do some indepth research, and to hang around the fringes of a prestigious fashion show. But it turns out that Varro feels the need to protect her and insists on getting to stay on the station too. Of course she finds him lurking and a lot of the book revolves around their struggle to figure out what their relationship actually is.

But it's not all about the romance. We also meet a snooty fashion designer, one of her security staff, and a Valovian royal, all at the fashion event. Kee gets recruited by the designer to model one of her dresses at a party and things really get going from there! There are evil traitors (human and Valovian), shadowy military bases, unforeseen technology, and complicated capers galore.

This fictional universe is really growing on me, yet another reason that I would like the romances to stretch out a bit. More books. Please, Ms. Mihalik, more books.

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