Monday 6 December 2021

The God of Lost Words / A.J. Hackwith

4 out of 5 stars

A very satisfying ending to an entertaining trilogy. Maybe not exactly the ending that I was hoping for, but the inevitable “this makes sense" ending. The author tells us in an afterword that this book was written during the craziness that has been covid-19. The result, she tells us, is more affection, love, and caring in this last installment.

Claire, our former librarian in Hell's Library, is a typical urban fantasy heroine. She gradually assembles a circle of friends-who-are-family, quite a collection, including Brevity the muse, Hero the escaped fictional character, and Ramiel the fallen angel. Because the library is a collection of the unwritten works of human kind. What a great idea this is—when you consider how many unfinished manuscripts must have existed during human history. I loved the other characters that don't rest easy, snoozing in their books, inhabiting the Damsel Room. This group of feisty female characters get starring roles in book three, as they should.

I love the character development as our four main characters face difficulty together. Hero isn't just a character trying to escape the Unwritten wing. He is a Librarian in his own right, as is Brevity. Brevity doubted the ability of a non-human to become a Librarian, but she has overcome her self-imposed limitations. Rami is finally finding a spot that he can call home and isn't quite so homesick for Heaven. Claire has first been transferred to the Archive of Hell, the Arcane wing, then watched as her new domain is burned by demonic intervention. Now she must decide if she will support the Library of the Unwritten or if she will undermine Brevity's tenure.

All the characters face situations that call on all of their resources and must decide what's most important to them. We get to witness their bravery and resilience. And their love. I don't know about you, but this is just what I needed right now.

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