Sunday 26 March 2023

Backpacking Through Bedlam / Seanan McGuire


4 out of 5 stars

I was happy when my book mail arrived this week, including the latest volume of InCryptid. McGuire chose to remain with Alice Healy-Price as principle narrator. I am taking a shine to Alice, who is determined to find a way to fit back into contemporary life and into her much expanded family while keeping her husband within sight whenever possible.

I also liked the addition of Sally to the family. The Prices are generous in their adoption of strays, just as they are in their evaluation of cryptids. Cryptids are people, just not human people. Adoption is sealed when the adoptee is accepted by the family ghosts and the Aeslin mice. Sally's passion for showers, clean socks, and pizza were completely understandable, after years in another dimension short on these amenities.

Speaking of the mice, they continue to be delightful. It was nice to get more of their antics, now that Alice is back home. The novella at the end of the book provided a good dose of mousiness, the point of view alternating between adoptee James and his fledgling clergy, Arcadia and Camden. We get the mouse’s eye view of things.

While attempting to readjust to home, Alice and Thomas get drawn into the effort to expel the Covenant from North America. Thomas' former employers are certainly persistent in their persecution of non-human people. Alice has difficulty with the notion that she is no longer an army of one, but manages to accomplish her objectives relatively unscathed.

So, we get a look at most of the family, get caught up on their news, and have another action packed adventure.

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