Sunday 4 December 2022

Miss Buncle Married / D.E. Stevenson


4.25 out of 5 stars

Having read the absolutely charming Miss Buncle's Book last year, I was delighted to get my hands on this sequel. I could hardly wait to renew my acquaintance with Barbara Buncle, who is now of course Barbara Abbott. Barbara and Arthur have been married long enough to settle into some patterns and not all of these habits are making them happy. They are going out socializing far too frequently and Barbara dislikes playing bridge. However, each thinks that the other is enjoying themselves and they are resigned to being accommodating spouses. When Arthur suggests that they move out of town to get away from it all, Barbara leaps at the chance. She is intensely gratified when Arthur's cranky house staff aver that they could never leave the city neighbourhood—she gives them their marching orders toute de suite.

Of course the perfect house is located, despite an identity mix-up at the local lawyers' office. Barbara has a grand time getting the house clean, redecorated, and furnished, but the best part seems to be providing a haven for her beloved husband. Ms. Stevenson manages to take the mundane details of life and spin them into gold. Anything that attracts Barbara's interest involves the reader as well.

Barbara isn't an extrovert, she is an observer of humanity. In her quiet way, she is fascinated by the wide variety of humans around her. The children next door show her their prized button collection, declaring that no two are the same. I think Barbara feels the same way about her friends and acquaintances. Stevenson proves herself to have a shrewd view of human nature too. With all the new material from their new location, Barbara finds herself madly writing another book. This time, however, she realizes the consequences of publishing and refuses to let anyone but Arthur read it.

Very nearly as good as the first book, but I was not nearly as pleased with the ending of this one. It was clichéd and rather boring. Endings do not seem to be Ms. Stevenson's strong point.


  1. Looking back on my review, I was also disappointed in the ending, it was resolved too easily.
