Sunday 11 December 2022

Cheddar Off Dead / Julia Buckley


4 out of 5 stars 

Another enjoyable cozy mystery from Julia Buckley. So far, I'm finding Lilah Drake to be an engaging main character and I feel like I understand her. I haven't lived in a small town for many years, but I still remember how interconnected everyone was. It was difficult to get very much privacy. It seems like someone who knows who you are is always watching and is willing to share those observations. That's why Lilah's undercover food deliveries amuse me so much. The skulking about and the elaborate pseudo explanations are fun (and in a real small community would be pretty hard to conceal from nosey neighbours). 

Lilah and Parker's on-again-off-again courtship seems to be on again. That's probably the safest situation for Lilah, who seems to have a talent for witnessing murders. However, Parker has to be running the investigation of this crime, so we get to meet Wendy, Lilah's police bodyguard. Wendy is a great character, the right balance of protective, professional, and friendly. Parker finally realizes that people open up to Lilah, a useful skill that he can benefit from. This is a big improvement in their interaction. 

There really are too many books and too little time, but I hope to get to the next volume sooner, rather than later!

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