Thursday 9 February 2023

Mistborn: the Final Empire / Brandon Sanderson


4 out of 5 stars

2023 Re-Read

I may be giving the same star rating as I did in 2014, but I enjoyed it more this time around. If I recall correctly, the first time I read it in bits and pieces while traveling around Japan. This time I was able to pay focused attention and could appreciate the novel more.

I was dismayed at how little I remembered! I guess nine years is a fair gap, but it does also show how distracted I was on that trip. I recalled the characters and I remember being somewhat annoyed by Vin. This time around I had more sympathy for her. She had good reasons to doubt that friendship could really exist. I still feel that her romance is telegraphed too obviously and too early, but Sanderson handles it at least as well as many romance authors so I can't complain too hard.

It is my intention to continue the series (finally!) this year. Since I wonder whether I actually read the last chapters originally, I'm glad I revisited this novel.

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