Monday 7 November 2022

Final Heir / Faith Hunter


4+ out of 5 stars

An amazing conclusion to an entertaining series! Hunter has been regularly upping the stakes with each novel, making Jane Yellowrock wade through all kinds of tribulations that just get worse. She faces all kinds of bad guys, everything from Naturaleeza vampires, the Sons of Darkness, demons, hostility within the paranormal community, and politics.

I wasn't sure in the beginning why Hunter wrote Jane as a woman of religious convictions, but those ideals make her love all her people, human, vampire, witch, werewolf, am I forgetting anyone? Ah yes, the citizens of NOLA. Vampires have lived so many centuries without love, kindness and compassion and they are bowled over that their Dark Queen wants to protect them, is loyal to them, and cares about them. Koun, Jane's hulking Celtic vampire, reminds us regularly that Jane doesn't need blood bonds to keep vamps by her side. They want to be there, basking in her care.

The angel who has intervened in Jane's life in the past now needs her help. The final heir of the Sons of Darkness is trying to bind both the angel and a demon to cement incredible evil power for himself. But Jane is fighting with love of her people and an assortment of magical accessories. There's no doubt who's going to win, but it doesn't come easy.

I bet Faith Hunter is celebrating the end of this long, long series, freeing her to write other things. The ride has been very enjoyable, Ms. Hunter, thank you.

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