Saturday 9 September 2023

Three Can Keep a Secret / M.E. Hilliard


4 out of 5 stars

Halloween Bingo 2023

This series is perfect for library workers—it involves our strongest suit, research. I wondered, when I read the first book, why it differed so dramatically from other cozy mysteries. No descriptions of cooking, housework, or personal grooming dominating the pages. It finally dawned on me that it's filled with the boring details of library work. Having worked in a library for my entire career, this was practically invisible to me. Having said that, Greer is a most unusual librarian. She doesn't spend the majority of her work hours in meetings! And the Raven Hill library is also unusually large and well staffed for a small town library. (The library in the small town where I grew up couldn't afford an actual librarian with the Masters degree and had only a small staff of underpaid part timers, my mother among them).

Nevertheless, I really enjoy these mysteries and I'm happy to see that the ending strongly implies that there will be a book four eventually. I like Greer as a main character, I appreciate the focus on her research skills and her knowledge of detective fiction. She gets to channel Poirot in this one. I also am glad to have found a cozy mystery series with only an extremely understated romantic plot line. Greer's potential interest doesn't appear in this book at all, although the flashlights he gifted her are prominent. Gotta love a guy who gives practical presents!

Sounds like Greer will return to the bright lights of the big city in the next volume. I will anticipate it happily.

I read this book to match Genre: Mystery on my bingo card.

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