Tuesday 1 October 2024

The Fake Mate / Lana Ferguson


3.5 out of 5 stars 

Halloween Bingo 2024

So this was and wasn't what I expected. I mean with a title like The Fake Mate, I knew that faking would backfire on Mackenzie and Noah. The fun would be in watching it happen. That was the expected part.

The unexpected part was the werewolf part. I'm glad I had previously read (and obsessively re-read) Bride, so the whole idea of knotting wasn't new to me, but in that book the woman of the couple is a Vampyre. No going into heat for her. That was a new (somewhat horrifying) concept. And werewolf sex is … um….juicy? There are an awful lot of bodily fluids involved. I have never been so pleased to be plain vanilla human!

Ferguson also portrays the roles of alpha and omega much differently than my other instructor, namely Patricia Briggs. You couldn't get much different from Charles and Anna Cornick. But I liked Mackenzie's smart aleck sense of humour and her teasing of the initially grumpy Noah. I also enjoyed watching them deal with Noah's mother and Mackenzie's gran, all while trying to maintain the nonchalant façade.

So, reluctant romance reader that I am, I must admit that I enjoyed this quite a bit. Still not as much as Bride—I don't think it'll be in my re-reading queue—but I'm glad I picked it up. (And if this had just been humans in a similar plot, I'm pretty sure it would have bored me to death.)

I read this for the Shifters square on my Bingo Card.

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