Friday 9 October 2020

A Dark and Stormy Murder / Julia Buckley


A Dark and Stormy Murder (A Writer's Apprentice Mystery, #1)A Dark and Stormy Murder by Julia Buckley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have always been prejudiced against the cozy mystery genre but this year has taught me that there are good cozies out there, waiting to be discovered. This is definitely one of them, because Buckley is a good writer! It's all about the skill of the author just like other genres. Exactly what I would hope for in a novel about a young writer who gets her big break working for her favourite author. What a treat!

There are several mysteries on the go in this book. There's a mystery surrounding the house that Lena moves into, there's a murder that occurs on the day that she arrives, and there's a mystery involving one of the neighbours. The first two reach resolution by book's end, but we are left with the neighbour's situation still ongoing. And I am desperate to read on and find out what Buckley has planned with this plot line.

For those of you who appreciate a romantic element to these kinds of tales, there are two men who immediately make an impression on Lena. The best part is that they both seem like decent men, despite Sam, the aforementioned neighbour, being suspected of his almost-ex-wife's disappearance and suspected murder. The other guy, Doug, is a local cop and he gained my respect when Lena takes some evidence that may exonerate Sam to him and he treats it seriously, working to corroborate the information. He doesn't let his desire to win Lena's affection interfere with being fair to his rival.

I have filled up my reading schedule for the rest of this year, so I truly don't have a spot to squeeze the next book of this series into my schedule, but I'll be looking for a way to continue as soon as possible!

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